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Battleship Park, Mobile, AL –

Man Your Battle Stations !

When traveling through our country, I am often amazed if not amused at the collections of war “junk” that we decide to place on our city squares and courthouse lawns. I wonder if the howitzers on display are a show of Government might so we don’t go off on the unsuspecting DMV worker. For some reason, an M16 tank with the barrel pointing down Main street is just a little too much, in your face, largess for my taste. […]

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8 Cool Things to do in the Florida Everglades –

8 Cool Things to do in the Everglades 

On the southern tip of Florida is 1.5 million acres designated as Everglades National Park.  Surrounded by The Big Cypress Preserve, the Fakahatchee Strand and the Florida Panther Wildlife Refuge, the area offers: sawgrass marshes,  cypress swamps, hardwood hammocks, pinelands, mangroves, and estuaries. These diverse ecosystems make for all manner of wildlife, ecotourism and exploration. […]

Swimming Hall of Fame, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

The Triple Lindy –

I arrive at the HOF and Museum complex and park on the road adjacent to the museum right at 9:00am. I am shocked that parking is available on the beach frontal road and only $3.75 for 3 hours. A large competition pool nestles between 2 buildings; one being the Swimming Museum the other the Swimming Hall of Fame. I walk to the Hall of Fame to find doors are locked. […]

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Ghost Orchid, Fakahatchee Strand Florida

Dendrophylax lindenii – The Ghost Orchid

Wild orchids will only grow in areas of their particular liking. Requiring just the right amount of light,  temperature, nutrients, and humidity. Even preferring a particular trees bark of a certain angle to nestle itself into. One of the most finicky and rare is the Ghost Orchid.  The Ghost Orchid gets its name as its white flowing shape appears to hover in mid-air.

Ghost Orchid
Ghost Orchid – Photo Source Unknown
