Welcome to Curious Craig!
A blog of musings and travel exploits of a guy who has given up on trying to find his niche’, his purpose, his calling. That one thing that will provide everlasting peace and contentment. Who has instead, decided to embrace that yearning to see, do and explore. To just not wonder what’s ahead on that dusty road, but to go look and find out. Meeting the people from all walks of life that make this country great and trying to find common ground is a passion.
I have spent a life time seeking, and searching only to be left wanting something more. This restlessness presents itself daily as it has since a very young age. In todays world, it’s probably worthy of medical treatment. I choose to no longer suppress this personality “defect” but to instead exploit it.
Professional Searcher
I have spent inordinate amounts of time and money on hobbies and potential new career paths only to get bored with them and to move on to the next thing that tickles my fancy. Along this journey, I have dealt with divorce, depression, anxiety, and alcoholism. The latter 3 certainly explains the first.
Little things excite me: Nature in all forms: forests, creeks, streams and waterfalls. Mountains, deserts and beaches. Sunrises and sunsets. Wildlife up close. Small town festivals and parades; local cuisine from a mom and pop restaurant, food truck or road side stand. I love roadside American attractions and oddities. Oh yes, and Ice Cream, it has supplanted alcohol as my drug of choice.
When first considering traveling full time, I compiled a list of unique destinations on my bucket list (one per state actually). I love lists, I make a list of lists I need to make. Better yet, I love checking things off of my lists. I get a sense of accomplishment from getting that check mark. I considered not only visiting every state, but also every national park. It’s been done by many and I relish the thought of trying that. However, I’m not sure crossing 48 state lines and entering 58 national parks would hold my interest for that long. I need something else to shoot for, but what?
The Inspiration – Catfish
Then I saw it, a U-Haul trailer with that SuperGraphic just calling to me. I had to look. Belzoni, Mississippi. “Catfish Capital of the World.” Wow! I had never heard of that place much less been there. That sounds like something I just have to see. And so it begins, a new list! I find a web page dedicated to all of the SuperGraphics. There is a dizzying array of adventures laid out state by state just jumping off the screen.

What are SuperGraphics?
They are those striking graphics on the side of U-Haul Trucks and trailers. (Trucks highlight states, Trailers feature cities). In 1988, U-Haul launched the SuperGraphic program titled America’s Moving Adventure. In the US, over 170 different images have been created since the program began. Each graphic honors individual states, cities, and local points of pride.

Years ago, a friend told me of a game he played with his young daughters. When on vacation, they would be on the lookout for a U-Haul truck. Whatever locale the SuperGraphic depicted on the first truck they saw, that would be their destination for next years vacation. I am enthralled with that notion, and can never look at a U-Haul truck the same way. I have to look for that graphic and imagine what it might be like to visit the location depicted.
My Personal SuperGraphic Challenge
I want to see them all (except maybe the Swimming Hall of Fame, sorry Ft. Lauderdale). I reach out to U-Haul’s social media team to see if anyone has ever done it. To their knowledge no one has. I compile a spreadsheet of locations and find there are 170+ depictions representing 48 states (except Hawaii and Kansas). For a Map click here:
Some of the SuperGraphics depict events or attractions that are no longer in existence. Some are festivals that only take place during certain times of the year. I will make every attempt to visit the place depicted and feel the pride that community felt when they unveiled their SuperGraphic. However, my goal is to enjoy the journey and recount my experiences and not necessarily recreate the exact tone or tenor of that particular graphic.
While this blog will contain other content, the SuperGraphic content will be noted by the SuperGraphic on top of that page.
Note: I am in no way associated with U-Haul International or any of its affiliates. The opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent the views of U-Haul, Web Team Associates or any of their affiliates. The SuperGraphic images are copyrighted material of U-Haul International and reproduced here with permission
Standing out from the Crowd vs. Hey, Look at Me!

While cycling recently, I couldn’t help but notice a lone corn stalk in a world of soy beans. It immediately struck me as a metaphor of life and what I hope to accomplish with this blog. I struggle with that balance of standing out in a crowd. When do I cross the line from being inspirational and informative to just standing out like a turd in the pool? As a blogger, I often measure my success by the number of followers I can attract. How do I attract followers in a crowded field? I hope to provide valuable content to my readers. My hope is to entertain, educate and maybe even inspire others.
I can pour my heart and sole into telling my stories and hope to positively effect others. That’s what I hope to do. I have to resort to any number tactics to generate traffic to this site, that is what sustains me. It all seems to be a bit of grandstanding however. I have a great fear of being the turd and not the entertainer, educator or motivator.
We all have a story, what makes mine so unique? What have I done to qualify me to educate and inspire others? I have some ideas, but they are just that. MY ideas. How others perceive me is kind of scary.

I hope to find out through this next chapter in my life. This blog is as much for me as my readers. I need to discover my story. If I never attract a large base of subscribers, while sad, it will be okay.
I certainly appreciate those who choose to take this journey with me. Thank you for following along and sharing this crazy thing we call life. Feel free to comment, ask questions or to tell your story in the comment section below.