It’s Gooood – Swinging Chicken

Always on the lookout for something new to try around camp and to break up the monotony of traditional camp fare, I try something different: The Swinging Chicken. This recipe is a set it and forget recipe, in such, I deem it the poor man’s crockpot.

Swinging Chicken all done

What You Need:

3-4lb Chicken

Your Favorite Dry Rub

Metal can. I purchased an empty paint can from Lowes for $5. Metal coffee can will work too

Charcoal – 15- 20 briquettes

Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil


Drill 6-8 holes about 1.5″  from the bottom of the can. I used 3/8″ drill bit,

Add 15-20 charcoal briquettes, light and let burn 15 minutes or until white,


While coals are getting hot, sprinkle your favorite dry rub on the chicken. Coating completely,

Double wrap the swinging chicken in foil & drop in can,

Swinging Chicken Dry RubbedSwinging chicken wrapped in aluminum foil

Hang the swinging chicken to prevent tipping, and burning children and pets. Can also be placed in a fire pit or on a grate,

Let cook for 3 hours then carefully remove from can and serve. Pair nicely with a corn salad.

Swinging Chicken in the oven

Curious Craig

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